Hints for Essay-Writing

Hints for Essay-Writing

Hints for Essay-Writing,How to write an essay
Hints for Essay-Writing


Essay-writing is a difficult art. It requires command over language, knowledge of the subject, accurate and keen observation, and ability to develop one's ideas logically and clearly. These are exactly the qualities which Indian students generally lack. Therefore, they are afraid of essay-writing and seek to avoid it. But they cannot ignore it, for essay-writing is a part and parcel of all University and Board Examinations. Great importance is attached to it, and as many as 30 percent of the marks of General English paper are usually assigned to it. Therefore, essay-writing must be learnt through constant practice. There is no other way out.


Hints for Essay-Writing,How to write an essay
Hints for Essay-Writing

For writing a good Essay, it is essential that students should read, think and Practise writing:

1. Reading - 

Standard English authors, Journals and Magazines must be read. Students should not read mechanically, rather they should try to read into the spirit of the book they read. This would increase their vocabulary and power of understanding, and make them familiar with best that has been written. They should mark the passages which strike them, and go through them a second time. It is a good plan to have a notebook handy and write down in it good idioms and memorable quotations as they come across during the course of their study. What they note down must be frequently revised. In this way, they would always have in their minds a number of ornaments of an essay. Students may use them with advantage when they set out to write.

2. Thinking - 

Reading of books would make them familiar with a number of facts, it would give them knowledge of a number of subjects. But mere reading is not enough. They must also learn to think for themselves. Everything which is read should not be taken for granted, much that enters into books is wrong and foolish. Therefore, the students must think and judge for themselves, and accept only what is considered to be correct. In other words, they must learn to form their own opinions. They must analyse, weigh and balance. This habit of thinking is very difficult to form, but once formed it would last for life and would certainly be reflected in the essay.

3. Writing - 

One should write as frequently as possible, because none can write well who does not write regularly. Students generally avoid written work, they find it difficult and so they are afraid of it. But if they are to learn essay-writing they can do so only by constant practice. They must write every day and as soon as an essay is written they must try to get it corrected. Then the mistakes should be carefully studied so that they may not be repeated. In this way, they would be able to form a good style.


Hints for Essay-Writing,How to write an essay
Hints for Essay-Writing

(1) Simplicity - 

The language, the students write, must be simple. The use of long, involved sentences and bombastic words is not desirable, as it often results in mistakes.

(2) Clarity -

They must say, what they have to say, as clearly as possible. There should be no confusion and no ambiguity.

(3) Coherence - 

Ideas should be logically developed. Every idea should come logically and naturally out of the previous one.

(4) Unity - 

A good essay must have unity of thought and matter. It means that it must have only one subject, and everything which is not connected with it must be kept out.

(5) Proportion or Balance -

The various parts of the essay must be developed according to their respective importance. The important points should be given more space than the less important ones. In most Universities and Boards, the students are required to write an essay of not more than 400 words. In such a short essay, it is absolutely essential that they keep to the point, give due importance to the main subject, and cut down the introduction and other matters of less importance to the minimum.


Hints for Essay-Writing,How to write an essay
Hints for Essay-Writing

It is suggested that, before taking-up the essay itself, a detailed outline thereof must be prepared. It would secure coherence, unity and balance for the essay that is written, it would enable the students to arrange their thoughts and give clarity to what they say. It would avoid confusion.

An essay is usually divided into three parts :-

1. Introduction, 2. Middle or body, 3. End or Conclusion, The body may be then divided into a number of points according to need. Space may be given to each part as follows:-

1. Introduction - 

Not more than 90 words-be brief, as brief as possible. Every word that is written must have a bearing upon the main theme. An effective introduction counts for much.

Remember - Well-begun is half done.

2. The body -

In an essay of about 400 words, the body should be of about 200 words. It may be divided into three or four or even more points, according to need. Each point should be dealt with in a separate paragraph. This is the main part of the essay, and its subject must be developed at this stage.

3. Conclusion -

An effective end is as important as an effective beginning. The end should be as natural as possible. It may consist of conclusion drawn from the main subject, or the thought of the writer on it. However, if nothing else is possible, a brief summary of the previous arguments or statements may be given.

Remember - Third person and Indirect narration must be used throughout. As regards the time, a tense which shifts the subject matter should be used. But generally speaking, the use of Past Indefinite tense is desirable as it avoids confusion of tenses.


Hints for Essay-Writing,How to write an essay
Hints for Essay-Writing

Students Must Avoid :

(a) The use of direct narration and first person - 

First person is to be used only when it is required to narrate some personal experience.

(b) Mistakes of grammar and spelling -

Weaker students, specially, should not run after idioms or quotations. The language may be as simple as they like, but it should be grammatically correct. They should know that marks are lost heavily for blunders of grammar and spelling, and in such cases no credit is given for any idiom or quotation they may have used.

(c) Misquotation: It is a serious fault -

Quotations when used must be correct; they must be exact reproductions of the original. They must also be apt i.e. suitable to the subject matter, and not too many in number. Weaker students need not bother about quotations, for they are likely to lose more marks for misquotation than they would gain by using them.

(d) Abbreviations and contractions -

An Essay is also a test of spellings. Hence words should be written out in full. For example they,

Should write                           and not
Do not                                        don't
Cannot                                       can't
Government                              Govt.                                      

(e) Shabbiness and bad handwriting -

They must avoid bad handwriting and rough writing. If some words are to be changed, they must be crossed out and re-written. Over-writing makes the work dirty and creates bad impression. Writing should be legible, and clean as far as possible.

(f) Superfluidity and Verbosity -

Brevity is the soul of wit, and so what is to be said must be said briefly as possible. The essay must be brief and to the point. Do not give anything which is not required. Everything superfluous (useless) must be carefully avoided. For example, instead of writing, "I told you that you should bring me a glass of water", they should write, "I told you to bring me a glass of water". For this very reason expression like, "It seems to me", "so far as I think", "I cannot agree with those who say" etc., must not be used.

(g) Bombastic words, difficult words and constructions, and unfamiliar idioms -

Modern trend is towards simplicity, and long sentences and difficult words are considered as bad English. Avoid them, be simple, be clear and be brief.

(h) Never leave your work unrevised -

Revision is of the greatest importance. Acquire this habit.

It is expected, if the above mentioned advice is followed, the examinees would be able to write a tolerably good essay after a little practice. They would do well in their examination.

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